Terms and conditions
Termenii și condițiile generale
Termenii și condițiile generale de rezervare și achiziționare a serviciilor turistice de cazare oferite de societatea Lucky Office SRL și Lucky Apartments SRL.
1. Preambul
Prezentul regulament reglementează termenii și condițiile generale privind rezervarea și achiziționarea serviciilor turistice de cazare oferite de către societatea Lucky Office SRL, societate românească, având sediul social în Mun. București, Loc. București, Șos. Berceni nr. 96, înregistrată în registrul comerţului sub nr. J40/1197/2015, având CUI RO34053786, e-mail bookings@citybookings.ro, și Lucky Apartments SRL, având sediul social în Mun. București, Loc. București, Șos. Berceni nr. 96, înregistrată în registrul comerţului sub nr. J40/11640/2021, având CUI 44546536, e-mail office@citybookings.ro, aplicabile tuturor clienților persoane fizice sau juridice.
Clauzele prevăzute în T.C.G. (Termeni și condiții generale) nu aduc atingere drepturilor părților de a conveni asupra unor Condiții Particulare (specifice) în funcție de negocierea părților și de nevoile specifice ale fiecărui client în parte.
În caz de contradicție între clauzele existente în T.C.G. și Condițiile Particulare, vor prevala cele existente în Condițiile Particulare.
Prin efectuarea unei rezervări sau prin cazarea (check-in) la oricare dintre unitățile de cazare aparținând prestatorului de servicii hoteliere LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL, clientul își dă expres acordul cu privire la T.C.G.
Clauzele T.C.G. sunt întocmite cu respectarea OUG nr. 34/2014 privind drepturile consumatorilor în cadrul contractelor încheiate cu profesioniștii.
2. Tarife
Toate tarifele sunt exprimate pe noapte și includ TVA (9%).
Rates can be changed at any time, rate increases not affecting already confirmed reservations. Fare reductions may or may not affect confirmed bookings.
Majorarea taxelor și impozitelor (T.V.A., taxa hotelieră, etc.) sau introducerea unor noi taxe și impozite va avea drept efect modificarea atât a tarifelor, cât și a rezervărilor deja confirmate.
3. Efectuarea rezervărilor
Reservations are considered:
Orice comandă transmisă prin următoarele modalități de comunicare sau intermedii de rezervări online: e-mail, Whatsapp, SMS, site-uri de rezervări: Booking.com, Expedia.com, Airbnb.com, Hotels.com, citybookings.ro, etc., cu condiția confirmării către birourile de apartamente de la adresa de e-mail bookings@citybookings.ro sau prin mesaj scris.
4. Garantarea și plata rezervărilor
Rezervările sunt considerate garantate la momentul confirmării plății.
Plata serviciilor turistice rezervate se poate face prin card de credit sau prin plata facturii proforme emise de LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL (CityBookings).
A. În cazul rezervărilor efectuate prin telefon sau e-mail: – garantarea rezervării se face de către client prin achitarea unui avans egal cu minim 50/100% din valoarea serviciilor de cazare, în termenul indicat de agent de la data confirmării rezervării; în caz contrar, rezervarea se va anula automat; – garantarea rezervării din partea agentului se va face ulterior primirii prin e-mail sau mesaj SMS/Whatsapp (bookings@citybookings.ro sau 0747.538.470, 0745.162.301), a unei dovezi de plată a avansului, transmisă de către client. Factura de avans emisă de LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL ulterior confirmării plății garantează rezervarea. B. În cazul rezervărilor efectuate prin platforma de rezervări online de pe site-ul nostru propriu: – garantarea rezervării de către client se poate face prin card de credit, după reținerea/încasarea sumei echivalente cu 50/100% din valoarea serviciilor de cazare și primirea din partea agentului a confirmării de rezervare emisă automat (în timp real);
– restul de plată (când este cazul) aferent sejurului se achită la momentul sosirii, numerar sau cu card bancar (debit/credit; Visa sau Mastercard).
Clientul are obligația să verifice detaliile din factură înainte de a achita contravaloarea serviciilor. Efectuarea plății de către client are valoarea unei confirmări exprese a facturii fiscale, iar eventualele solicitări ulterioare de modificare nu vor fi luate în considerare de către LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL.
5. Anulări / Neprezentări / Penalizări
Anularea unei rezervări se poate face cu până la 30 de zile înainte de check-in, dar implică o penalitate echivalentă cu 50% din valoarea serviciilor aferente.
Anularea unei rezervări în intervalul de 1-30 de zile înainte de check-in sau în caz de neprezentare (no-show) atrage o penalitate echivalentă cu întreaga valoare a serviciilor de cazare aferente.
Neprezentarea (No-show) reprezintă rezervarea confirmată și neanulată, în urma căreia clientul nu s-a prezentat la apartament la data stabilită. În acest caz, se aplică o penalitate echivalentă cu întreaga valoare a serviciilor de cazare și se elimină posibilitatea de a fi cazat ulterior.
În cazul în care clientul dorește să renunțe la rezervare sau la parcare privată sau părăsește voluntar imobilul, acesta nu va beneficia de restituirea contravalorii pentru nopțile plătite în avans și nopțile rămase din rezervare, acestea fiind nerambursabile.
6. Sosire și Plecare
Cazarea se face începând cu ora 15:00 pana-n ora 23:00, iar eliberarea camerelor se face până cel târziu la ora 11:00.
La cererea clienților, în măsura disponibilității, se poate extinde ora de eliberare a camerei cu până la 5 ore peste ora 11:00, contra cost (între 50-100% din valoarea unei nopți de cazare, conform tarifului afișat online sau comunicat în ziua respectivă).
Bagajele pot fi păstrate în camera de bagaje pentru maximum 12 ore, fără costuri suplimentare.
Cazarea se face pe baza unui act de identitate (carte de identitate, pașaport sau certificat de naștere în cazul copiilor) și a unei copii a confirmării rezervării sau a facturii de avans emise de biroul de apartamente.
În unele cazuri, la momentul check-in-ului, clientului i se poate solicita un depozit de până la 600 RON/apartament, plătibil în numerar sau cu cardul de credit/debit, ca garanție pentru predarea apartamentului într-o stare corespunzătoare „așa cum a fost primit”.
Această sumă va fi returnată la sfârșitul sejurului, cu condiția să nu apară situații nefavorabile (daune, lipsuri din inventarul camerei etc.).
Alocarea camerelor se face în funcție de disponibilitatea apartamentelor în ziua cazării. Din acest motiv, nu se poate garanta un apartament la un anumit etaj sau apartamente alăturate. Solicitările de acest gen sunt considerate preferințe ale turiștilor și vor fi satisfăcute în limita disponibilităților.
Există două opțiuni de parcare:
- Parcare achitabila la primarie via sms sau aplicatie, în limita locurilor disponibile (vizavi de supermarketul de la parter)
- Parcare privată la exterior sau subteran (-1) în limita locurilor disponibile, la un cost de 40 lei/noapte/mașină.
7. Fumatul
Fumatul este strict interzis în interiorul blocului sau al apartamentelor, cu excepția balcoanelor și a spațiilor exterioare amenajate și dotate cu scrumiere. Nerespectarea acestei reguli va atrage o taxă de 150 de euro.
Agentul își rezervă dreptul de a evacua clienții care nu respectă această obligație și de a le anula rezervarea.
8. Numărul de persoane declarat
Se percepe o taxă suplimentară de 100 RON/noapte/persoană dacă numărul maxim de persoane specificat este depășit.
9. Taxe suplimentare
La sosirea clientului, se poate percepe o taxă de garanție/depozit între 200-1000 RON.
Se percepe o taxă suplimentară între 100-300 RON în cazul predării apartamentului într-o stare necorespunzătoare (curățenie), care va fi dedusă din garanție.
10. Scopul închirierii
Clientul nu va folosi imobilul în scopuri imorale, ofensatoare sau ilegale și nici nu va încălca vreo lege sau regulă de bună conduită. Clientul va fi responsabil pentru daunele și deteriorările cauzate imobilului închiriat.
11. Obiecte de valoare
Agentul NU își asumă responsabilitatea pentru eventualele pierderi de bani, bijuterii sau alte valori personale depozitate în apartament și reclamate ulterior.
12. Nevoi speciale (dizabilități)
Majoritatea spațiilor din blocul Monaco Towers sunt accesibile persoanelor cu dizabilități.
13. Animale de companie
Accesul cu animale de companie este interzis în apartamente. Agentul își rezervă dreptul de a refuza cazarea clienților însoțiți de animale de companie, sub sancțiunea anulării rezervării și aplicării unei penalități de 100% din valoarea serviciilor de cazare. Nerespectarea acestei interdicții va atrage o taxă de 500 de euro, achitată la recepție.
În unele cazuri și prin excepții rare, administrația blocului poate permite accesul cu animale de companie persoanelor care depind de acestea pentru sprijin psihic sau fizic. În aceste cazuri, clientul este supus unei taxe de garanție de 300 de euro, plus o taxă de 15 euro/noapte pentru animalul de companie.
Cookies policy
In order to comply with the requirements established in the EU Directive of May 26, 2012 and the provisions of Law no. 506 of November 17, 2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, all website visitors are asked for their consent before cookies are sent to their computers.
This website uses its own cookies to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services tailored to each individual's needs and interests.
Cookies play an important role in facilitating the access and delivery of the multiple services that the user enjoys on the Internet, such as:
Customizing certain settings such as: the language in which a site is viewed, accessing old preferences by accessing the "forward" and "back" button.
Cookies provide site owners with valuable feedback on how their sites are used by users, so that they can make them even more efficient and accessible to users.
Allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a particular site to create a more valuable, useful and enjoyable browsing experience.
What is a "cookie"?
An "Internet Cookie" (term also known as "browser cookie" or "HTTP cookie" or simply "cookie") is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user from which the Internet is accessed.
The cookie is installed through the request issued by a web server to a browser (eg: Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is completely "passive" (it does not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the hard drive the user).
A cookie consists of 2 parts: the name and the content or value of the cookie. Furthermore, the lifetime of a cookie is determined; technically, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with that web server.
Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.
There are 2 large categories of cookies:
Session cookies - these are temporarily stored in the cookies folder of the web browser so that it remembers them until the user leaves the respective website or closes the browser window (eg when logging in/out of an account by webmail or on social networks).
Persistent cookies – these are stored on the hard drive of a computer or device (and generally depend on the lifetime of the cookie). Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is visiting at the time - known as 'third party cookies' - which can be used anonymously to remember a user's interests so that the most relevant advertising to users is delivered.
What are the advantages of cookies?
A cookie contains information that connects a web browser (the user) and a specific web server (the website). If a browser accesses that web server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to provide comfortable services to users: eg – online privacy preferences, site language options, shopping baskets or relevant advertising.
What is the lifespan of a cookie?
Cookies are managed by web servers. The lifetime of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used exclusively for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the website, and some cookies are retained and reused every time the user returns to that website (cookie- permanent hours). However, cookies can be deleted by a user at any time through the browser settings.
What are cookies placed by third parties?
Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided through third parties/providers (eg: news box, a video or an advertisement). These third parties can also place cookies through the website and they are called "third party cookies" because they are not placed by the owner of the respective website. Third party providers must also comply with applicable law and the privacy policies of the site owner.
How cookies are used by a website?
A visit to a website may place cookies to:
- increase website performance;
- an analysis of visitors;
- geotargeting;
- user registration.
Performance cookies
This type of cookie remembers the user's preferences on this site, so that there is no need to set them each time the site is visited.
Examples: volume settings for video player, video streaming speed with which the browser is compatible.
Cookies for visitor analysis
Each time a user visits a site, analytics software provided by a third party generates a user analysis cookie. This cookie tells if you have visited this site before. Your browser will signal if you have this cookie, and if not, one will be generated. It allows monitoring of unique users who visit the site and how often they do so.
As long as the visitor is not registered on the site, this cookie cannot be used to identify individuals, they are used only for statistical purposes. If it is registered, it is also possible to know the details provided, such as the e-mail address and the username - these being subject to confidentiality, according to the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data.
Cookies for geotargeting
These cookies are used by software that determines which country you come from. It is completely anonymous and is only used to target content – even when the visitor is on the page in Romanian or another language, they will receive the same advertisement.
Cookies for registration
When you register on a site, a cookie is generated that tells you whether you are registered or not. The servers use these cookies to show the account you are registered with and whether you have permission for a particular service. It is also allowed to associate any comment posted on the site with your username. If you have not selected "keep me registered", this cookie will be automatically deleted when you close your browser or computer.
Other third-party cookies
On some pages, third parties may set their own anonymous cookies in order to track the success of an application or to customize an application.
For example, when you share an article using the social network button on a site, that social network will record your activity.
What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?
Cookies store information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web server will recognize the browser until the cookie expires or is deleted.
The cookie stores important information that improves the Internet browsing experience (eg: language settings in which a website is accessed; keeping a user logged in to the webmail account; online banking security; keeping products in the shopping cart).
Why are cookies important to the Internet?
Cookies are important to the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a user-friendly browsing experience tailored to each user's preferences and interests. Refusing or disabling cookies may make some sites unusable.
Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require the authentication of a user through an account):
- Content and services adapted to the user's preferences – categories of news, weather, sports, maps, public and government services, entertainment sites and services of travel.
- Offers tailored to users' interests - password retention, language preferences (eg: display of search results in Romanian).
- Retention of child protection filters on Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions).
- Measurement, optimization and analytics features - such as confirming a certain level of traffic on a website, what type of content is viewed and how a user arrives at a website (eg: through search engines, directly, from other websites). The websites carry out these analyzes of their use in order to improve the sites for the benefit of the users.
Security and privacy issues
Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code, so they cannot be executed, nor can they self-execute. Consequently, they cannot be duplicated or replicated to other networks to run or replicate again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.
Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about users' preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and across multiple sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this fact and constantly mark cookies for deletion during anti-virus/anti-spyware deletion/scanning procedures.
In general, browsers have integrated privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a certain site.
Tips for safe and responsible cookie-based browsing
Customize your browser's cookie settings to reflect a comfortable level of cookie security for you.
If you share computer access, you may consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close the browser. This is an option to access sites that place cookies and delete any visit information when you close the browsing session.
Always install and update your antispyware applications.
Many spyware detection and prevention applications include detection of site attacks. Thus, it prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software.
How can I stop cookies?
Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make certain websites impractical or difficult to visit and use.
It is possible to set the browser so that these cookies are no longer accepted or the browser can be set to accept cookies from a specific site. But, for example, if a visitor is not registered using cookies, they will not be able to leave comments.
All modern browsers offer the possibility to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the Options / Settings menu or in the Preferences / Favorites menu of the browser.
Why we use cookies?
Technical cookies: We use this type of cookies to show you our website, to make it work correctly and to offer you a friendly and easy-to-use website.
Functional cookies: We use this type of cookies so that our site remembers your preferences and to help you use the site efficiently.
Analytical cookies: We use this type of cookies to understand how you interact with our site.
General Terms & Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions for booking and purchasing accommodation services offered by Lucky Office SRL and Lucky Apartments SRL.
1. Preamble
This regulation governs the general terms and conditions regarding the booking and purchasing of accommodation services offered by Lucky Office SRL, a Romanian company headquartered in Bucharest, 96 Berceni Blvd., registered in the trade registry under no. J40/1197/2015, VAT number RO34053786, email: bookings@citybookings.ro, and Lucky Apartments SRL, headquartered in Bucharest, 96 Berceni Blvd., registered in the trade registry under no. J40/11640/2021, VAT number 44546536, email: office@citybookings.ro, applicable to all individual or corporate clients.
The provisions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) do not affect the parties’ rights to agree upon specific terms based on negotiations and the individual needs of each client.
In the event of a conflict between the clauses in the GTC and the Specific Terms, the latter shall prevail.
By making a booking or checking in at any accommodation unit belonging to the hotel service provider, LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL, the client expressly agrees to the GTC.
The GTC are drafted in compliance with the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding consumer rights in contracts with professionals.
2. Rates
All rates are expressed per night and include VAT (9%).
Rates may change at any time, but rate increases will not affect already confirmed bookings. Rate reductions may or may not affect confirmed bookings.
An increase in taxes and levies (VAT, hotel tax, etc.) or the introduction of new taxes and levies will result in the adjustment of both the rates and the already confirmed bookings.
3. Making Reservations
Reservations include any order submitted through the following communication channels or online booking platforms: email, WhatsApp, SMS, booking sites: Booking.com, Expedia.com, Airbnb.com, Hotels.com, citybookings.ro, etc., provided confirmation is sent to the apartment office at bookings@citybookings.ro or via a written message.
4. Reservation Guarantee and Payment
Reservations are considered guaranteed upon payment confirmation.
Payment for reserved accommodation services can be made by credit card or by paying the proforma invoice issued by LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL (CityBookings).
**A.** For reservations made via phone or email:
– The reservation is guaranteed by the client upon payment of a deposit of at least 50/100% of the accommodation services’ value, within the time frame indicated by the agent from the booking confirmation date; otherwise, the reservation will be automatically canceled.
– The reservation is guaranteed by the agent once the client sends proof of payment of the deposit via email or SMS/WhatsApp (bookings@citybookings.ro or 0747.538.470, 0745.162.301). The deposit invoice issued by LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL following payment confirmation guarantees the reservation.
**B.** For reservations made through the online booking platform on our website:
– The reservation is guaranteed by the client using a credit card, after deducting/receiving the equivalent amount of 50/100% of the accommodation services’ value and receiving an automatic (real-time) booking confirmation from the agent.
– The remaining balance (if applicable) for the stay is paid upon arrival, in cash or by bank card (debit/credit; Visa or Mastercard).
The client must verify the invoice details before paying for the services. The client’s payment constitutes an express confirmation of the invoice, and any subsequent modification requests will not be considered by LUCKY OFFICE/APARTMENTS SRL.
5. Cancellations / No-Shows / Penalties
A reservation can be canceled up to 30 days before check-in but incurs a penalty equal to 50% of the value of the booked services.
Canceling a reservation between 1-30 days before check-in or in the case of a no-show will result in a penalty equal to the total value of the accommodation services.
A no-show represents a confirmed and uncanceled reservation where the client does not show up at the apartment on the agreed date. In this case, the penalty is equivalent to the entire value of the accommodation services, and the possibility of subsequent accommodation is forfeited.
If the client wishes to cancel the reservation, private parking, or voluntarily vacate the property, they will not receive a refund for prepaid nights or remaining nights from the reservation, as these are non-refundable.
6. Check-In and Check-Out
Check-in begins at 3:00 PM – ends at 23:00, and rooms must be vacated by 11:00 AM.
Upon the client’s request and subject to availability, the check-out time may be extended by up to 5 hours after 11:00 AM for an additional fee (50-100% of the night’s accommodation rate, according to the rate displayed online or communicated on the respective day).
Luggage can be stored in the luggage room for a maximum of 12 hours, free of charge.
Check-in is based on a valid ID (identity card, passport, or birth certificate for children) and a copy of the booking confirmation or advance payment invoice issued by the apartment office.
In some cases, at the time of check-in, the client may be required to provide a deposit of up to 600 RON/apartment, payable in cash or by credit/debit card, as a guarantee for returning the apartment in a satisfactory condition „as received.”
This sum will be refunded at the end of the stay, provided no unfavorable situations occur (damages, missing items from the room inventory, etc.).
Room allocation is based on apartment availability on the day of check-in. For this reason, specific floor or adjacent apartment requests cannot be guaranteed. Such requests are considered guest preferences and will be accommodated subject to availability.
There are two parking options:
– Paid parking via SMS or app, subject to availability (opposite the supermarket on the ground floor)
– Private parking, either outdoor or underground (-1), subject to availability, at a cost of 40 lei/night/car.
7. Smoking
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the building or apartments, except on balconies and in designated outdoor areas equipped with ashtrays. Violating this rule will result in a fee of 150 euros.
The agent reserves the right to evict clients who do not comply with this rule and cancel their reservation.
8. Declared Number of Guests
An additional charge of 100 RON/night/person will be applied if the maximum number of guests is exceeded.
9. Additional Fees
Upon the client’s arrival, a deposit between 200-1000 RON may be requested.
An additional fee between 100-300 RON will be charged if the apartment is returned in an unsatisfactory condition (cleanliness), which will be deducted from the deposit.
10. **Purpose of Rental**
The client shall not use the property for immoral, offensive, or illegal purposes and shall not violate any law or rule of good conduct. The client is responsible for any damages and deterioration caused to the rented property.
11. Valuables
The agent is NOT responsible for any loss of money, jewelry, or other personal valuables stored in the apartment and claimed later.
12. Special Needs (Disabilities)
Most spaces in the Monaco Towers block are accessible to people with disabilities.
13. Pets
Pets are not allowed in the apartments. The agent reserves the right to refuse accommodation to clients accompanied by pets, under penalty of canceling the reservation and applying a 100% penalty of the accommodation services’ value.
Non-compliance with this restriction will result in a fee of 500 euros, payable at reception.
In some cases and under rare exceptions, the building administration may allow pets for individuals who rely on them for psychological or physical support. In such cases, the client is subject to a 300 euro deposit and an additional pet fee of 15 euros/night.